Announcement EAST 2 – 2016.docx
Free Online Training Course Announcement
EAST2: English for Academic Study Telecollaboration
– The University of Glasgow, UK
– The Islamic university of Gaza, Palestine
The course
The English for Academic Study Telecollaboration EAST2) course will provide a meaningful learning experience for the participants from both institutions. There will be ongoing collaboration between students in Scotland and Palestine over the course of the five weeks, allowing language practice, and also developing transferable skills such as team-working, project participation, problem-solving, intercultural awareness, and digital literacies.
For more details, see last year EAST1 website:
Participants: Who can apply?
The course will host these students from IUG and a similar number of international students at the University of Glasgow
– 25 Master or final year bachelor students or recent graduates of the faculties of engineering, Science and Information Technology
– 30 Master or final year bachelor students or recent graduates of the faculties Biomedical sciences (medicine, nursing and health sciences)
– Interested applicants should have GPA not less than 80%
– Interested applicants should take IUG English level test at IUG.
Dates: Mon 11 July – Wed 24th August, 2016
Place: Continuing Education and Community Service Building, IUG
Deadline: Wed 25 / 05 / 2016
How to apply: Please use the Course Application form
For more information:
– Email: [email protected] Tel: 2644400, Ex 1395
– Room: J203, 2nd Floor, Continuing Education and Community Service Building, IUG